技術革新から実行革新へ 技術革新から実行革新へ

Next Innovation Inc.


Kenichi Ishii

Common sense is
that is created later.

The advent of lights gave us the option of working at night.
The advent of cars gave us the value of dramatic travel options and time.
The advent of computers gave us infinite possibilities, and the advent of the Internet changed connections to a global scale.
Only when an option becomes the "realistic" option for people will it become "common sense" and be implemented in society.
Even in the area of "medical" where we have a business domain, new innovations are being born every day. However, it takes a lot of challenges, time, and needs more communication with society to make those "common sense."
We will thoroughly adhere to the transformation of communication between medical and consumers in order to implement this innovation in society.
May this moment be a "turning point" for Japan and the world.
Re▷ design of medical spaces and its experiences around the world

Next Innovation Inc.


Kenichi Ishii

  • Member of the Board

    Koichi Watanabe


We are looking for
colleagues to work with